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Does your child love horses?

Look no further than our Summer Riding Day Camp at Freedom Acres Farms!

Freedom Acres Farms is offering summer camp for therapeutic riders and their siblings aged 5-13. Our campers will develop and discover bonding with a horse during their week enrolled. They will learn the parts of a horse and saddle, how to groom a horse, participate in a group riding lesson, and complete fun summer arts and crafts!

Camp Schedule

Camp sessions begin at 9:00 am and will end at 2:00 pm. Before and after camp care can be arranged upon request, the request must be made the week before camp starts.

Campers should have a snack, lunch, and water bottle labeled with first names and last initials.

All campers should arrive in long pants and riding boots, we recommend a change of clothing for later.

Camp Pricing

Week long camp sessions are $300.00 per session.

Before and after camp care is $10.00 per hour.

How to Register

  1. Download and complete our registration form
  2. Email the completed form to hfirely@firely.org to reserve your child’s spot
  3. Make payment via cash, check, venmo, or on our website

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