Mission, Vision, & Core Values

Our Mission

To impact the lives of those who suffer from addiction, by providing hope and guidance to them and their families through a proven holistic approach in healing their mind, body, and spirit, as they develop new life skills that result in long-term recovery and freedom.

Our Vision

To be a catalyst of hope, resources, and healing in Montgomery County, PA, Southeastern, PA, and Abroad by:

  • Bringing awareness of the addiction problem and the impact it has on us all.
  • Educating the community on addiction, the need for recovery, and faith resources available to help those in affliction and their families.
  • Creating a network of faith entities (Churches & Organizations) available for guidance, encouragement, access to resources, and long-term support.
  • Providing a system of Transformational Care and Support that includes Prevention, Treatment, and Aftercare.

Core Values

  • You can be free from addiction! Millions of others are living a life of freedom and so can you!
  • Long-term relationships and support increase the chances for success.
  • Your life through addiction and into healing can have an impact on others who are struggling.

2 Corinthians 5:17 (NASB)
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things are passed away: behold, all things are become new.”